Arsenal and a thankless job

Last updated : 31 January 2013 By DSG

After setting immaculate standards and enjoying success at the highest levels, expectations rise manifold and how quickly. Wenger joined Arsenal in 1996 and helped the club to win three EPL, four FA Cups titles coupled with a phenomenal unbeaten season. For a man obsessed with winning,it?s strange to see how he holds finishing fourth in the same breath.

Surprising the cracks lay behind the truth. The shifting of stadium and the reshuffling of the board strangely coincided with Arsenal falling from grace. The departure of Dein (former vice-chairman) was one key attributes to this. In Dien, Arsenal and Wenger had a man who Supported, Guided, Fought (with and for Wenger) and even questioned him thus, creating an exceptional relationship. Results of the same were evident on the pitch.

Post his departure, support from the club for Wenger has been negligible and left to fulfil multiple roles. Considering the restrictive budget over the last seven years what Wenger has achieved is unparalleled by single-handedly carrying the club forward and without choice selling his best players after making them superstars and buying younger players and starting over. He, not only ensured funds from player sales go back to the club thus reducing the stadium debt but also managed to keep the club in the top 4 amongst Europe?s elite. Dein in a recent interview backed his old colleague ?The greatest achievement of Wenger is to have created two teams: the one that now plays for our rivals & the one that is trying to be amongst the best in the Premier League?.

One thing?s is for sure Arsenal FC owes a lot to Wenger and can surely move forward with him but someone like Dein is a must.

Source: DSG

Source: DSG